Monday, March 12, 2012


A cherished sister wrote that her dog has a comfy bed, and every gringo / gringa would know that's an informal term for comfortable.  So I looked up where the word "comfortable" comes from, and guess what?  No clue! 

But I did see the word "snug" so that's todays word.  It means, yes, to be comfortable, but also to make something secure.  Oh, and the term "snug down"means to prepare a ship for a storm.

And the origin?  From a Scandanavian word snygg

1 comment:

  1. According to my etymology dictionary, 'comfortable,' (able to comfort) is from L.L. confortare "to strengthen much" (used in Vulgate), from L. com-, intensive prefix (see com-), + fortis "strong"

    'Comfy' hasn't retained much of that!
